A randomized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of mandibular implantsupported overdentures and conventional dentures in diabetic patients. Part I: Methodology and clinical outcomes

Statement of problem. Scientific evidence is lacking to support the general application of implantsupported mandibular overdentures.

Purpose. This randomized clinical trial was undertaken to compare the efficacy of conventional mandibular and implant-supported overdentures in diabetic edentulous patients with clinically acceptable metabolic control.

Method. A total of 102 diabetic patients, treated with or without insulin, were randomized to receive a new maxillary denture and either a conventional or an implant-supported removable mandibular overdenture. Treatment was completed for 89 patients, 37 with the conventional and 52 with implantsupported dentures. Detailed examinations, tests, and questionnaires were given before and at 6- and 24-months after treatment completion. Comparisons between the two treatment groups were made for treatment failures based on prespecifed criteria and the type and amount of maintenance care provided.

Results. The insulin and noninsulin treated groups were collapsed because of the lack of significant differences at entry. The conventional denture and implant-supported overdenture groups were similar in terms of general demographics, medical status, quality of their original dentures and denture support, several functional measures, and patient satisfaction. Treatment was judged to be successful in 56.9% of patients with conventional dentures and 72.1% with overdentures. This difference in success rate was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Patients with treatment failures in both groups required excessive maintenance care. Those with conventional dentures needed frequent denture base adjustments and relines, whereas those with overdentures required frequent clip replacements and repairs. Although significant improvements were seen with both treatment modalities, a higher percentage of patients with implant-supported overdentures than those with conventional dentures reported improvements in chewing comfort and moderate-to-complete overall satisfaction. (J Prosthet Dent 1998;79:555-69.)

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